Keto Coconut Flour Waffles


Recipe from Ditch The Carbs : Keto Waffles.


Fairly easy to make, common keto baking products.

Makes soft fluffy waffles. Can also be used as pancakes (pancake molds might help if you like thick pancakes).

Pretty awesome, on par if not better than carb waffles.

Note: there’s also a “pizza waffle” variant.


Ingredients and recipe

See link above. I usually use a 1:1 xylitol/erythritol blend. You may want to add a few drops off stevia if it doesn’t come out sweet enough to your taste.

Coconut milk can be used instead of milk/cream.

Wait until melted butter has cooled down a bit before mixing it with egg yolks, you don’t want to turn them into scrambled eggs.

The butter/egg yolks/butter/sweeteners mixture will look pretty heavy. Don’t worry, once the egg whites are folded back into the mixture it will lighten up again!

An egg white separator might come in handy if you don’t like separating egg whites the old school way.

Don’t overmix when folding the egg whites into the butter/yolks. You want to keep as much air as possible.

Cook approximately 1”30 on each side in waffle maker. If making pancakes, flip them with care (adding some xanthan gum may make them stronger/easier to flip).

Serve with raspberries, strawberries …